ANQ and MMRS Provincial and AMO and MX101 Ironman

ANQ and MMRS Provincial and AMO and MX101 Ironman
MX101 is proud to host the ANQ / MMRS Provincial at Sand Del Lee MX Park! This event will also count for IRONMAN Series points.
May 28th will see the 2nd Round of the Eastern Amateur National Qualifiers for Walton, as well as Round 5 of the MMRS Provincial Series
May 29th we will do it all over again for the 3rd Round of the Eastern Amateur National Qualifiers for Walton.
Sand Del Lee Motocross Park 2980 Conley Rd, Ottawa, Ontario PH: 613-838-3391 Office
All ANQ Classes will be run, as well as all MMRS classes. The tentative schedule is below.
Weekend Info:
Friday – Sign in 7-9pm at MX101 Office
Saturday – Sign in 6:45 – 8am Sign in Shack
Sunday – Sign in 6:45 – 8am Sign in Shack
Gate Fees – Under 5 free, 6-12 $7, 13 and up $10
Class Cost – 1st Class $35, 2nd Class $25, 3rd Class $20
50’s run on big track – $25/class
Flaggers Meeting – 7:45
Riders Meeting – 8:00am
Practice Starts at 8:15am
Accepted Licenses:
Membership Info: Only AMO and MMRS memberships will be accepted. You can buy a “Class Pass” if you do not have a membership for $10 per class. AMO – Can buy at the track or online for $90 or $160 for a family MMRS – Can buy at the track or online for $85 or $140 for a family No Membership is required and no membership is required to race the Walton TransCan Grand National Championship
Transponder Info:
MMRS will have transponders for rent for $20. MMRS may have transponder for sale as well. Please ensure your transponder is marked on your entry clearly and check with the MX101 office ASAP if there are any scoring issues. Make sure your transponder is CHARGED for the weekend.
You can always purchase from MMRS, but if you wish to buy from the US go here:
Official Schedule will be posted Saturday/Sunday Morning