Slick Corners
Slick Corners
1) As you approach the corner you will need to make the transition from standing to sitting- The movement should be smooth and fluid to help keep your wheel in line for the corner. It is also important to be in the correct gear. If you are in to low of a gear your suspension won't work properly making it more difficult to track through the corner smoothly. Being in to low of a gear will cause excessive wheel spin upon acceleration. Being in to high of a gear will cause the bike to bog.
2) Once you are in the sitting position get forward on the seat- In doing so, you want to be sure to transfer your weight to the outside of the bike by moving half your butt off the side of the seat. This will also help weight the outside of the foot peg. A very important step to keep the rear wheel tracking through the corner and you being able to maintain control.
3) You also want to make sure your outside elbow is upthroughout the entire corner- By doing this, you will weight down the front end giving your front end control. If your elbow is down, you will drift off the corner causing you to lose control and time. In addition to keeping the outside elbow up its equally important to have your inside leg out to lean the bike over and maintain your balance.
4) Applying Throttle- When the corner is slick, roll the throttle on smoothly with no clutch. This way there is less of a chance that the wheel will break loose. This is why being in the correct gear is so important.