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GMX: Hi Jeremy, you ended up 3rd overall with 451 points and it seems you had a fun season with the GDR Honda Team. You had a few ups and downs but overall it was a good season. What you will keep in your memory for the MX 2015 Nationals?

JM: Ya we had a good year. Obviously not quite where we wanted things to end but hey I can't complain it was fun. I was happy to be at the races again and I will remember 2015 as a year that made me enjoy things a little more.

GMX: You are well known for your consistency, for your race speed and agressive riding. But what were your main difficulties during those little downs this year?

JM: Some of the downs I experienced were just racing things so to be honest I'm not too worried on the little things that didn't all go my way.

GMX: We noticed a great connection with your mechanic and yourself during the season. Does it make a difference at the end of the day?

JM: Ya it really does, every time I go out I have to trust my mechanic and his work so having someone who I know has done their work means a lot. Kyle killed it this year and it was one of the main reason for our success.

GMX: Ready to run on next years bike with the same team TLD/GDR Honda? Honda always brings you to the podium, this is the third year in a row, what are your expectations for yourself for 2016?

JM: Yes I have a 2 year deal with the GDR Honda crew and it means a lot that they believe and pick me to represent. We have already started working on next years' program so I think good things are coming.

GMX: Did you have the chance to test the new CRF 250 RG 2016 Honda this month? They are lighter, slimer, more aggressive. How do you like the big changes of this new model (exhaust, three modes...)?

JM: I haven't had a chance, I was suppose to but I am still getting over a few injuries that I was dealing with this season. I look forward to trying out the new models as I know the little things that were done are only going to make it that much better.


GMX: There will be no team sent to France for the MXoN but you went on a road trip to Ironman MX in Indiana with your buddies Kaven Benoît, Colton Facciotti, Kyle Keast and your older brother Tyler. Was it your first ever AMA Pro Motocross National? How did you like it? Were you happy with the results you canadian riders got? Colton was before Andrew Short, Justin Bogle, Dean Wilson, this is great!

JM: I made the trip up knowing there was a good chance I wasn't going to be able to race. We had everything prepped and ready so I was going to give it a try but after injuring my back at Walton it only took a few laps at Ironman to realize I wasn't going to be able to race. I have been to few Ama rounds before so it was cool to see guys like Shawn and Kyle try it for the first time or two.

GMX: Will you be, like last year, at the Georgia Practice Facility (GPF) to train this winter?

JM: My training plans are still up in the air for this winter, I will be getting that all sorted out soon.


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