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Madi Seguin
City: Norfolk NY
bike: Husqvarna 250
Years of mx: I've been racing motocross for 10 years
Who got me into Mx: threw out the years my dad and his brother have had bikes, so just one day I just told my dad that I wanted to start racing.
My favorite track: this must be a close call between gopher dunes and Red Bud.
Racing classes: I'm currently racing WMX and upstate motocross until the 4 rounds of CMRC comes around.
Sponsors: One Industries, Ogio, mom and dad, Quad expert, bell Helmets, and dragon.
Advice for the girls: don't let anyone tell you, you can't and if they do prove them wrong and always follow your dreams even with how hard it gets.

Photo Direct Motocross
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