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Krista Casselman
Name: Krista Casselman
City: Gatineau, Quebec
Bike: 2016 Yamaha YZ250F
How many years on a MX: I have been riding dirt bikes since I was a little girl, but I never started racing until I was in my teens. This year will be my 7th year racing.
Who got you into MX: My dad already had trail bikes at home and he always made sure I had one so I could go riding with him. But MX101 summer camps and the instructors, Kevin Tyler, Dylan Wright and Jay Moore were the people that influenced me to get into racing.
Favorite Track: I would have to say that my favorite track is Sand Del Lee in Richmond, Ontario. Kevin Tyler and Johnny Grant always do such an amazing job prepping the track and getting is ready to ride not only for races but also for every practice day. It is also my favorite because I love the dirt is it composed of, the front is really sandy and the back is more hard packed, it makes for great all around practice. It also helps that it is the closest track to home and where I spend most of my time training during the week.
Riding Class: Ladies Pro, Ladies A, Ladies, 250 Beginner, MX2 Beginner, 250D
Sponsors: Wheelsport Racing, Jeff Casselman Excavation, MX101, FMF, FXR, Matrix Concepts, Cycra, MD Distributions, Forma Boots, 100%, Atlas Brace Technologies, Works Connection, Pit Posse Motosports, Ride Engineering Inc., MotoTape, Dunlop, Twin Air, MoTool, Factory Seat Covers, Ogio, Allsport Dynamics and my Mom&Dad.
Goals for 2016: As you well may know, I unfortunately broke my arm this winter when I was down south training at JWTF in Maysville, North Carolina. It has been a month since the injury and I underwent surgery three weeks ago. My main focus this year was the CMRC Eastern Canadian Nationals and my goal was to finish the series with a top ten number and finish consistently in the top 15 at every round. I have planned to be racing every weekend from when the snow melted and the tracks were open until the snow hit the ground next winter. I wanted to try and get as many starts with as many girls as possible, wither that be in Canada or the USA. With my arm injury I am now uncertain of the time frame of my return on the bike, I wish I could say tomorrow but that is not the case. I am still recovering from surgery and am starting physio next week to gain some movement and strength in my arm. I am hoping to be back riding by start to mid-June and be healthy and back into condition to line up at Nationals but it’s hard to tell right now. Advice: DON’T BREAK BONES, it really does suck! No, but seriously this year I took the chance and time to go down south and train with my busy schedule. A lot of people don’t, they always find an excuse of why you can’t make things work to make it seem okay, I am a full-time student and work two part-time jobs and play competitive hockey, although it took some planning and effort to make it work I still made time to do what I love. My advice would be to take advantage of every opportunity given to you when you can because one day you might look back and say “I should have” or “I could have”.

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