Eve Brodeur

Photo: Frede Forest
Name : Eve Brodeur
City: Laval, QC
Bike: KTM 250
How many Years on a mx: 12 years
Who got you into MX, Mon père a toujours été passionné de sport motorisé et il m'a transmis ma passion pour la moto! My dad was racing when I was younger and he is the one who got meninto MX!
Favorite track: Deschambault
Racing Class: Women A, Intermediate Femme A, intermédiaire
Sponsors:BLK RDR by Motovan, Motovan Corporation, KTM Canada, Duroy KTM, Dunlop, Oakley, Kutvek Amerika, Zox Helmets, FIVE Advanced Glove, TCX Focus on Boots, FMF Racing, MTA Distributing, Jimmy Weinert Training Facility, Axxel suspension, Boutique VR, Bolt Motorcycle Hardware and Motul.
Goals this year: Win the women's Canadian National, win Walton, finish top 5 in the US WMX series and qualify in as many Canadian men's nationals as possible. J'aimerais gagner les nationaux féminins canadiens, gagner Walton, finir top 5 au championnat féminin américain et me qualifer dans le plus de nationaux masculin possible.
Any advice for girls that want to get into MX? Never give up and work hard to make you dreams come true. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it!
N'abandonnes jamais et donne toujours ton maximum! Tes efforts vont être récompensés!

Photo Olivier Zoll